Krosin –AG 10SP

General Information :

  • Product name : Krosin –AG 10SP
  • Common name : Streptomycin sulphate 9% + Tetracycline hydrochloride 1%
  • Reg. No. AP - 3204
  • Principal/Source/Origin : Krishi Rasayan, India

Crops & Pests :

Bacterial Wilt of Brinjal

Bacterial Wilt of Chilli

Bacterial Wilt of Tomato

Dosage rate :

10 g/10 Liter of Water

Systemic Action


Bacterial wilt of Brinjal
bacterial wil chil
Bacterial Wilt of Chilli
Bacterial wilt of potato
Bacterial wilt of potato
Bacterial Wilt of Toamto
Bacterial Wilt of Toamto
bacterial wilt of  tomato
Bacterial wilt of tomato