Kirifos 20EC Go Back General Information : Product name : Kirifos 20EC Common name : Chlorpyrifos Reg. No. AP - 945 Principal/Source/Origin : Krishi Rasayan, India Crops & Pests : BPH of Rice, Cut worm of Potato, Termites of Tea Dosage rate : 20-30 ml / 10 Lit water i.e. 400-600 ml/acre (Rice) 150 ml / 10 Lit water i.e. 3 Lit/acre (Potato) 200 ml / 10 Lit water i.e. 4 Lit/acre (Tea) KIRIFOS 20EC (Chlorpyrifos) – Contact, Stomach & Respiratory. Cutworm Cutworm Cutworm